The fucking sun is right on my face or so I feel . The sun rays are hitting directly on my face disturbing my sleep.
But I am not complaining anymore, because my current view is beautiful. A vision that I want to wake up to everyday.
My wife is literally sleeping on me, her one leg and arm on my body as if locking me in my position and her grip is strong but her face is neatly tucked on the crook of my neck, so close that I can feel the breathe.
As much as i am loving this new vision I need to wake her up to be on time for work.i did try to loosen her grip on me, but it seems like my wife is more stronger than I think.
" Avni"
" Avni , wake up or we will be late for work"
"Five minutes more pls"she whispered and tightened the hold more.
"Ok then I will wake you up after five minutes, atleast let me leave, loosen your grip pls"
"What grip are you talking about,shhh, let me sleep"and she yawns more.
"Hmm, ok fine, five minutes and i am done"and that five minutes turned out to be one hour.
"Akash wake up we are late"it was avni this time.
I opened my eyes to see my wife having a marathon in the room,
"Why are you in a rush avni, be careful"
" We are late akash, we overslept"
"What? That's your reaction, come on get up"
And everything was in a rush that day. We had our breakfast and left to the hospital together.
And it was around noon that we all gathered at the hospital canteen for lunch.
We doctors have separate rest area and canteen for us.As i reached our usual table I saw adya and avni and chaithanya already seated there with their lunch.
Just as i reached the table I saw ahaan coming towards us from the other side with our lunch. Ahaan took his seat near adya and i sat opposite avni near chaithanya.
Usually ahaan would take the seat near chaithanya, guess everyone needs a change, but i sincerely hope that the new change doesn't bring any more bickering between the trouble duo i.e adya and ahaan.
"Am I wrong or are you really glowing Dr sweety" chaithanya asked adya
"You are wrong. Am not glowing Dr charming " adya replied, her full concentration on the food on her plate.
No one.literally no one can separate adya and her love, which is food. She's a great foodie, i heard some of her and avni's stories about food.let us not go in to that topic.
"How about you get a eye check up chaithanya" it was ahaan now.
" Because she is clearly not glowing, just her old ugly self" ahaan continued getting a death glare from adya.
I saw avni very cautious ly moving her chair away from adya, expecting a fight between the two and ready with phone to record the fight, one good cousin she is.
"How about you get a eye check up ahaan, because you are clearly seeing the non existent" adya was no less.
" Should I book an appointment for the both of you" adya said referring to both ahaan and chaithanya.
"OK guys let's end this here and finish our lunch in peace and harmony" chaithanya being a wise man suggested.
And I saw my wife very sadly putting her phone away, she was so ready for the fight.
God, what did I marry.
Ahaan's pov--
Just as we all parted our ways after lunch, i messaged adya.
To annoying cousin, "Meet me at house"
Her reply was instant.
From annoying cousin, "Y"
To annoying cousin "For me to fuck you good, not interested?
From annoying cousin, "Will be there at eight. Make sure you have condoms ready"
To annoying cousin, "Ok"
It was a real straight conversation, no sweet talks, nothing. We both know what we want and are ready for it. I don't know what doors we are opening, but i am ready to face whatever it is on the other side, as of now i am contented with what is happening between us.
I am so done with today, let me just finish this hospital stuff and leave soon for house.
I very much miss my bed, just want to reach the penthouse and sleep till the night duty arrives.
Just as i reached the table I saw ahaan coming towards us from the other side with our lunch. Ahaan took his seat near adya and i sat opposite avni near chaithanya.
Usually ahaan would take the seat near chaithanya, guess everyone needs a change, but i sincerely hope that the new change doesn't bring any more bickering between the trouble duo i.e adya and ahaan.
"Am I wrong or are you really glowing Dr sweety" chaithanya asked adya
"You are wrong. Am not glowing Dr charming " adya replied, her full concentration on the food on her plate.
No one.literally no one can separate adya and her love, which is food. She's a great foodie, i heard some of her and avni's stories about food.let us not go in to that topic.
"How about you get a eye check up chaithanya" it was ahaan now.
" Because she is clearly not glowing, just her old ugly self" ahaan continued getting a death glare from adya.
I saw avni very cautious ly moving her chair away from adya, expecting a fight between the two and ready with phone to record the fight, one good cousin she is.
"How about you get a eye check up ahaan, because you are clearly seeing the non existent" adya was no less.
" Should I book an appointment for the both of you" adya said referring to both ahaan and chaithanya.
"OK guys let's end this here and finish our lunch in peace and harmony" chaithanya being a wise man suggested.
And I saw my wife very sadly putting her phone away, she was so ready for the fight.
God, what did I marry.
Ahaan's pov--
Just as we all parted our ways after lunch, i messaged adya.
To annoying cousin, "Meet me at house"
Her reply was instant.
From annoying cousin, "Y"
To annoying cousin "For me to fuck you good, not interested?
From annoying cousin, "Will be there at eight. Make sure you have condoms ready"
To annoying cousin, "Ok"
It was a real straight conversation, no sweet talks, nothing. We both know what we want and are ready for it. I don't know what doors we are opening, but i am ready to face whatever it is on the other side, as of now i am contented with what is happening between us.
I am so done with today, let me just finish this hospital stuff and leave soon for house.
I very much miss my bed, just want to reach the penthouse and sleep till the night duty arrives.
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